Sunday, September 30, 2012

Une motto: "Life, this life I have, is like a party"

"The great gift of Sarah Watt is that when I think of her, or when anyone who knew her thinks of her, we remember to look to the sky, not to lose our head in the clouds but to see the beauty that's there. The glory of the every day, the magnificence of the simple essence of our lives. And when we do, in our hearts there may be a small corner of despair and disappointment but overwhelmingly we will be filled with grace and hope."

- William McInnes

You must read this article, Remembering Sarah Watt, by William McInnes on the "challenges of living, loving and grieving, almost one year after his wife's death".  It's simply beautiful, and a reminder to live this life you have - it's a beautiful party and there is glory in every day.

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